BETHLEHEM, PA— Ann Badillo is launching Cocina Badillo LLC in the heart of the Lehigh Valley.

With a passionate love for cooking and a deep commitment to service, this new initiative aims to give back to the community by providing meals and teaching cooking classes for people with special needs in the area and beyond.

Badillo’s dedication to service stems from a challenging childhood as a first-generation Mexican American. She experienced and witnessed hardship firsthand.

“I was old enough to see need; I was old enough to experience need,” said Badillo. “While growing up, I remember not having anything in the fridge on some days.”

She recalls seeing others facing deteriorating circumstances and felt compelled to serve.

Her life has been shaped by volunteering at Church, where she found purpose and fulfillment.

As a pastor at RED Church in Bethlehem, Badillo is committed to creating an inclusive environment that serves the Lehigh Valley community.

“We thought of how we can show the love of God to our neighbors in Bethlehem and beyond,” said Badillo.

“We do so through community outreach events that serve and provide for everyone in our community, no matter their background.”

RED Church has hosted a free clothing giveaway and plans a back-to-school event to distribute free school supplies to community students.

red church donations lehigh valley ann badillo
A clothing event at RED Church Lehigh Valley

Badillo’s love for food began in childhood, inspired by watching her mother and others cook.

She enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, leading to a breakthrough when she was selected for a program at Paxos Restaurants through the Northampton Community College culinary program.

There, she produced a TV segment for the Lehigh Valley Food and Wine Festival and continued to expand her culinary skills.

Her passion for cooking and her mission to serve found a new direction through her youngest daughter, who has been diagnosed with a learning difference.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Badillo taught her daughter through simple recipes and hand gestures, helping her achieve milestones.

“Having those moments of, ‘Wow! I can help my daughter with her milestones. ‘It helped us keep going as we did three-step recipes, then five-step recipes, and now we’ve graduated to nine-step recipes,” said Badillo.

Seeing her daughter’s progress inspired Badillo to help other families.

“What if I can have my business, provide for my family, and help, even if it’s just a little bit, even if it’s just to bring happiness for a moment to a family with a child or adult who has special needs?” said Badillo.

“That’s what I want.”

This inspiration led to the creation of Cocina Badillo. “I plan to provide cooking classes for neurodivergent children or adults while also working as a chef,” said Badillo.

ann badillo fish dish

“I can be hired to cook at events, food pantries, or even prepare and deliver meals.”

Badillo also plans to partner with organizations to offer cooking lessons to people experiencing homelessness through food pantries.

“A lot of people do not know how to cook or use the food they get at pantries,” said Badillo. “I hope to help in this area.”

To give back, Badillo will use 5-10% of her profit to fund free classes for neurodivergent individuals who cannot afford them and provide free meals to those who are homeless or food insecure.

She is seeking business sponsors to help expand her operations and hire other chefs and volunteers to support her mission.

For her initiative to grow, Badillo is asking the community for support.

“Spreading awareness is crucial, whether through social media or connecting with organizations that can fund or sponsor classes or individuals willing to volunteer,” said Badillo.

Badillo hopes her business will lead to more initiatives focused on individuals with special needs.

“It’s time to raise awareness in this community, especially in Lehigh Valley. It is time for us to do something for them.”

Despite doubts and challenges, Badillo remains driven by her faith and passion for service.

“My faith is the core of what I do. It is what leads me,” said Badillo. “Who is Ann Badillo?

You’ll see my faith in everything I do. It’s my worship and my life. It keeps me going.”

For more information, contact Ann Badillo at [email protected].