Photos courtesy of MYLV Instagram account

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The local Lehigh Valley-based nonprofit My Lehigh Valley Youth Organization (MYLV) mobilized this Wednesday, July 24, and joined thousands of other protestors in Washington, D.C., to rally against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is speaking in Congress.

MYLV is a youth-led organization centered around advocacy and grassroots organizing.

According to its Linktree, MYLV self-defines as a group that aims to inspire youth in the Lehigh Valley and cultivate positive social change locally and globally.

MYLV has grown over the past few years. Starting as a small team of Muslim volunteers, it has gradually transformed into a diverse group that has spearheaded social justice activism and humanitarian work in the Lehigh Valley.

While MYLV does not identify as an advocacy organization that exclusively focuses on Palestine, MYLV has fiercely campaigned over recent years to spotlight the escalating violence in Gaza. Especially since late 2023, MYLV has been coordinating pro-Palestine demonstrations, fundraisers, prayer services, and other events.

They have been especially vocal on social media in bringing attention to the ongoing assault on Gaza and have diligently documented the waves of anti-war protests that have erupted across the country in recent months.

The organization has been directly linked to rallies on nearby college campuses, more specifically partnering with Pards 4 Palestine at Lafayette College and students at Lehigh University to lobby for the divestment of university funds from weapons manufacturing and other morally ambiguous companies. 

MYLV posted details about Wednesday’s march to Washington on Instagram this past Friday. The post read, “The Lehigh Valley will be joining communities across the U.S. once again for the national mobilization on the Capitol.” Participants left the Lehigh Valley via bus at 8 a.m. and arrived at Capitol Hill around 11 a.m

This is not the first time organization members have journeyed to Washington to express support for Palestine. Most recently, MYLV attended the March on Washington for Gaza on January 13, 2024.

MYLV joined numerous pro-Palestine groups in Washington this past Tuesday and Wednesday, including A.N.S.W.E.R. (which stands for “Act Now to Stop War and End Racism”), Code Pink (a feminist humanitarian organization), and Jewish Voice for Peace.

It is estimated that thousands gathered to denounce Netanyahu and U.S. complicity with the Israeli government more generally.

Many areas in Washington’s downtown were shut down due to protests.